Scotland itself offers a huge variety of choices for avid fishers and Perth is no different. With Perth and its nearby surroundings offers excellent river fishing along the banks of the River Tay. Whether experienced or novice, with the right permit you can try your hand at catching the beautiful Scottish salmon or trout. It is certainly a wonderful way to while away the day.
Depending on when you visit, you’ll find the different seasons offer a different catch. In springtime, you are likely to see salmon whereas in summer you are more likely to catch brown and sea trout. As you near towards the end of summer, it's back to salmon again.
Depending on your stay in Perth and your keenness to fish, the council offer a range of fishing permits to suit your needs and is open to locals and visitors. You can opt for a daily pass, while those more local to the area may choose a seasonal pass too.
The Scone Palace Estate also offers fishing along the lower River Tay which is popular for angling, fly-fishing and spinning. The estate offers the highest hospitality for fishers, where you can enjoy the use of a motorised boat, fishing hut and the expertise of an experienced ghillie. You can also purchase food and beverage from the Palace kitchen or even be catered for your own specific requirements.
As well as the River Tay, there are many nearby lochs to fish from, but will often need boat hire and permits, so it is best to plan ahead to make sure your fishing trip is perfect.